design work
my daylight hours are spent in an office doing graphic design adjacent stuff. logos. print and digital ads. event stuff** - also things like website maintenance. video editing. photo editing. audio editing. branding. creative direction. screen printing (under certain circumstances). I'd like to think I'm a decent cook, too.
what I'm getting at is if you've got a problem, I can probably help you figure out at least a part of it.
tshirt graphic
The original design was a truck incorporated into the logo. After further discussion, the shirt was seen as an opportunity to promote the "Slow Down and Move Over" initiative to remind drivers to do as such when passing service vehicles in the shoulder.
Luxury Golf Cart Promo
Was given a task to make a promotional video from a couple pieces of footage which I supplemented with some photos I edited of the car. Video ended up not being used as in this specific form, but it turned out pretty cool.
I "wrote" the video around the frame hits and recorded the music to a sort of grid based on the hits and frame lengths.
Select Ads
Brochure Design
Just a good ol' trifold
Power Wash
Logo and signage for Pritchard's Power Wash in Mason City, IA.
Competition for the final logo.
Website Build
Classic website build. Audits. Preferences. Research. XD Build (do not have access to that file). The second to last picture was the draft I/we handed over to the developers, last photo is the live website today.